The National Agency for Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova (ANRE)
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The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) is a regulatory authority, with the responsibility to regulate and monitor the energy sector (natural gas, electricity, thermal energy, renewable energy, petroleum products) and the water supply and sewerage.


At the beginning of the year, ANRE has started to execute its task of state energy supervision, after hiring competent staff and taking measures to implement properly the Law on Energy.


The Parliament adopted a new Law on Energy on September 21st 2017. The law transposes the requirements of the EU’s 3rd Energy Package into national legislation regarding the tasks, functions, independence, transparency and proper operation of the energy regulatory authority, as well as the parliamentary and judicial control over the regulatory authority.

The Law on Energy stipulates also that ANRE exercises supervision of the energy market. It also sets the obligations and responsibilities, as well as, the terms and conditions of implementing this task by the regulatory authority.


The Parliament adopted a new Law on Electricity, Natural Gas and on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources that transposes the provisions of the EU’s 3rd Energy Package into national legislation.

For a proper implementation of the laws mentioned above ANRE drafted and approved a series of regulatory normative acts stipulated in these laws and continues to work on the implementation of the regulations approved by the Energy Community.


ANRE has elaborated and approved a series of regulatory acts stipulated by the Law on the public service of water supply and sewerage and the Law on thermal energy and promotion of cogeneration. Shortly after, the Agency started to issue the licenses for operators using the public water supply and sewerage systems. The licenses were also issued to thermal energy enterprises that supply heat through centralized heat supply systems.


The Parliament approved the Law on Thermal Energy and the Promotion of Cogeneration, which enables ANRE to regulate the thermal energy sector.


In December 2013, the Parliament adopted the Law on Public Service of Water Supply and Sewerage, which enables ANRE to regulate the public service of water supply and sewerage. The Methodology for calculating of tariffs for the electricity transmission service was amended. ANRE signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Estonian Competition Authority.


The Methodology for the calculation of the tariffs for the thermal energy delivered to consumers, the Methodology for calculating the tariffs for the electricity distribution service, the Methodology for calculating the regulated tariffs for the supply of electricity to the end-users and the Regulation on acquisition procedures for goods, works and services used in the regulated activity of enterprises from energy sector. ANRE has also signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority and a Cooperation Agreement with the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova.


ANRE approved the Methodology for the calculation of tariffs for the electricity/power transmission service, the Regulation on the quality of electricity transmission and distribution services, the Regulation on the quality of transmission and distribution services of Natural Gas and the Regulations on the Extension of Natural Gas Distribution Networks and Electricity Distribution Networks. Also, in 2011, ANRE signed a Collaboration Agreement with Moldovan Customs Service.


The Regulation on Electricity Supply and Use, the Regulation on Natural Gas Metering for Commercial Purposes and the Methodology on Calculating Technological Consumption and Technical Losses of Natural Gas in Distribution Networks was approved. In 2010, ANRE has signed also a Cooperation Agreement with the National Bank of Moldova and a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the Missouri Public Services Commission to implement a partnership program.


By amending the Law on Energy, the rights to appoint the directors of the Administration Council of ANRE, approve the budget and monitor the activity of ANRE were transferred from the Government to the Parliament. Through the amendments to the Law on Public Utilities, ANRE was assigned the function of approving the tariffs for public utilities for heat supplied through district heating systems.


ANRE developed and approved the Regulation on Guarantees of Origin for Electricity produced from Renewable Energy and Biofuels and the Methodology for Calculation of Tariffs for Electricity Produced from Renewable Energy and Biofuels, the Technical Norms of Natural Gas Distribution Networks, The Regulation on the Quality of Electricity Supply and Distribution Service, the Methodology of determination, approval and revision of the prices of auxiliary services provided by licensed natural gas distribution companies.


Under the Law on Renewable Energy, ANRE was authorized to issue licenses for the production of electricity and fuel from renewable sources, to develop calculation methodologies and to approve tariffs for renewable energy.


By the amendment to the Law on Public Utilities, ANRE was assigned the function of approval of the Methodology for the calculation of tariffs for thermal energy, sewage and residual water treatment services.


ANRE and Iowa Utilities Board (IOWA) signed a Partnership Program under the aegis of NARUC and USAID.


The Law on petroleum products market transfers to ANRE the functions of licensing the activity on this market.


ANRE becomes founding member of the Regional Association of Energy Regulators (ERRA).


ANRE has approved the Methodology on calculating and enforcing the tariffs for electricity and thermal energy, the Methodology for calculation, regulation and enforcement of tariffs for natural gas, and the Methodology on price formation and application for petroleum products.


ANRE has issued the first licenses that authorize the activity on the electricity and natural gas markets and approved first decisions on new tariffs for natural gas, electricity and thermal energy.


ANRE has elaborated and approved the necessary normative acts for licensing, approval of tariffs and monitoring the activity of licensees in order to establish the rules of the electricity market and to ensure the protection of consumers' rights.


(the period of establishment of ANRE) - The ANRE Regulation was approved, followed by the adoption of the Law on Energy no. 1525/19.02.1998, Law on Electricity no. 137 of 17.09.1998 and the Law on Natural Gas no. 136 of 17.09.1998, which has established the primary legislative framework for the regulation of the energy sectors. According to the special laws, one of the ANRE’s main functions was to approve the tariffs for electricity and natural gas. According to the Regulation approved by the Government, ANRE was also assigned with functions of approving the tariffs for heat supplied through district heating systems, and approval, in coordination with the Government, of the Methodology for the calculation of the tariffs for public services for the supply of thermal energy, water, sewage and residual water treatment and the methodology on price formation and application for petroleum products.

August 11, 1997

The Government has approved the Decision Nr.767 on the establishment of ANRE.